
Shoes for Girls


adidas shoes for girls come in an exciting range of colours and styles for sports and everyday wear - it's tricky choosing just one pair! Choose from girls' trainers that are designed for sport or that just look and feel good!

Run, hike, play, or chill in the best footwear on offer with the adidas shoes for girls

Step up your daughter’s shoe game with our catalogue of shoes for girls that cater to a sporty, classic, urban, or edgy preference. A durable, rubber outsole exists as a standard across most of the shoes for girls designs, ensuring an adequate shelf life to get the most wear out of them. A number of midsoles also come standard with cushioning to ensure every step she takes is truly comfortable.

Match the right girls' shoes to the right occasion

Looking to break a sweat in the gym or breathe in the fresh air during a challenging outdoor run? Then lace up with the Deerupt runner girls' shoes complete with a lightweight feel that will help your little runner break blistering speeds. Perhaps your teenager likes the look of a running shoe but prefers them for casual outings as she doesn’t really like breaking a sweat. But, if you are feeling truly nostalgic and want your daughter to pay homage to a classic design, then kit her out in the Gazelle trainers. This look made its debut as the first ever adidas suede shoe back in the 1960s and has stood the test of time throughout the decades. Keep a low-key look with the pink or clear sky finish, or step it up a notch in a gold metallic; either way, these trainers embody adidas heritage.